Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dawnay/Franklin engagement

 The engagement was announced 26 July, 2024, between Ms Charlotte Millicent Dawnay (born 1994), scion of the Viscounts Downe, daughter of Ivo Nicholas Payan Dawnay (born 9 December, 1952), and Ms Rachel Sabiha Johnson (born 1965), & Ms Jessica M. Franklin, daughter of Mr John Franklin and Ms Caroline Griffiths of De Beauvoir, London.

Charlotte Dawnay is a niece of the former Prime Minister the Rt Hon Boris Johnson (born 19 June, 1964), and descended from the Royal House of Hanover.

George II, King of Gt Britain & Ireland > Frederick, Prince of Wales > Princess Augusta of Gt Britain & Ireland > Princess Auguste Caroline Friederike Luise of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel >Prince Paul Heinrich Karl Friedrich August of Württemberg > Karolina von Rottenburg > Hubert Freiherr von Pfeffel >Marie Luise Freiin von Pfeffel > Irene Williams > Stanley Johnson > Rachel Johnson > Charlotte Dawnay


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