Sunday, June 09, 2024

Sir Martin Wakefield Jacomb 1929-2024

Sir Martin Jacomb, who has died aged 94, was a barrister and merchant banker who became founder chairman of BZW, the investment banking arm of Barclays, and a key adviser to the government on the privatisation of British Telecom; he went on to be chairman of Prudential, Canary Wharf and the British Council.

Martin Wakefield Jacomb was born 11 November, 1929, son of Hilary Jacomb and his wife Felice, and was educated at Eton and Worcester College, Oxford.

At various times he was a member of the court of the Bank of England, an adviser to the US Federal Reserve, deputy chairman of Commercial Union and a director of Marks & Spencer, British Gas, RTZ, Christian Salvesen and The Telegraph. He served on the boards of the Royal Opera House, the OUP, the National Heritage Memorial Fund, and was Chancellor of Buckingham University. He was knighted in 1985.

In later years he occasionally contributed to the business pages of The Spectator – and to Daily Telegraph obituaries. Into his nineties, though notably stooped, he remained active in City and political debate. He voted Remain in the EU referendum, “but only because the EU will collapse unless reformed, and I would like the UK to lead the reformation”.

He married 30 Apr, 1960, Evelyn Helen Heathcoat Amory (born 4 June, 1939), scion of the baronets of that name, elder daughter of Richard Frank Heathcoat Amory (1903-57), and his wife the former Hon Margaret Irene Gaenor Scott-Ellis (1919-2002), daughter of the 8th Baron Howard De Walden (1880-1946), by whom he had issue, a daughter Emma (born 15 May, 1961), and two sons, Matthew (born 11 June, 1963), and Thomas (1964-2023).


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